Animal Welfare Market


In a world where countless animals suffer from neglect, abuse, and exploitation, dedicated individuals and organizations strive to be the voice for the voiceless. Animal welfare initiatives play a crucial role in protecting and improving the lives of animals, but they often face financial constraints that hinder their efforts.

Animal welfare is a pressing global issue that deserves our attention and action. From endangered species conservation to supporting animal shelters, there are countless ways we can make a positive impact. Fundraising initiatives play a vital role in supporting organizations dedicated to animal welfare, ensuring the well-being and protection of our furry friends.
Please join us on 5 August @ Lake Umuzi Waterfront and add a bag or tin of food or a blanket, on our donation table.

Let us be THE ONE that makes a difference in the life of a neglected animal.
• You can chat with an animal health care expert.
• Get your pet chipped
• Let your and your pet’s (and family’s) picture be taken by a professional
• Get educated about animal welfare
• Meet our Mascots
• Talk to a dog trainer
• Buy your pet a gift or warm jersey
• Take your dog for a walk next to the lake
• Eat from our food stalls
• Most of all … have fun with your furry friend.

5 August 2023

10:00 – 14:00

Lake Umuzi Artisan Square

Animal Welfare Martet

Lake Umuzi Waterfront, Secunda, Mpumalanga