Blog, Lake Umuzi News

Misty Waters Line-up turned into a BAD, DRUNK JOKE

With Misty Waters Music Festival just around the corner, our organizers took some time out of our busy schedule and started using the names of the bands that will be performing, into jokes.

Very bad jokes, and a few great ones that you are free to use when you attend the festival on 27 – 29 April, 2018 @ Lake Umuzi, Secunda.

We’re going SKINNEE ‘til SUNRISE

Do you think it’s gonna be in a BLACK HARBOUR

Weet jy waar JAN BLOHM?

He’s probably riding the TIDAL WAVES with blue man DAN

Ek wil my huis bou uit STONES en GOLD

with BLACKWOOD floors of FREDA

Maar het jy gesien hoe mooi  KOOS KOMBUIS werk doen

but he leaves THEM all DIRTY when he’s done

Either way I’m feeling all DANDIES

so I fired a GUNSHOT ’til everyone went BLUE

Sien jy waar DEON BAK-IS, hy het my perde gesteel.

Did you see the BLACK CAT digging up BONES like a dog?

Autumn is coming, we gotta MIST that MILK to make that Cappuccino

Whilst listening to classical BACCH, all of US together with my friend NEL

We’ll all scream out that WE ARE CHARLIE’s children

so we’ll GO BAREFOOT to the pub as if we are KINGS

And meet up with ou PIET, he’s from BOTHAville

Hy skree but I’m from THE CAPITALS city

Ek trek liewers na SUTHERLAND

Daar ontmoet ek al die NATIVEs, want hulle is YOUNG

Die een bra is BAD, sy naam is PETER met ‘n lang TOU

Hy vra is jou naam SANNIE, want jy’s ‘n FOX

Sy sê nee loop maar, ek’s saam GEORGE

His face went SCARLOTTE and his WILL went cold

It’s so cold that ALBERT could FROST brrrrr

I’m gonna need my STRAIT JACKAL

It’s time to say goodBYE, BENECO

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