Events @ Lake Umuzi, Lake Umuzi News, Misty Waters Music Festival

Misty Waters 2021 Third Wave Update

With only 4 weeks to go ‘til 6 to 9 August, Misty Waters 2021,  it’s now time to make a call!

Since May 2020, we have had such a burning desire to bring you this hot line-up, that we have waited ‘til the last possible moment, to see if the 3rd wave would blow over in time to bring you Misty Waters!

With all the infrastructure in place, we are ready to rock at the drop of a hat.  However, with all that’s happening in the country it is hard to see that restrictions on gatherings will be lifted in the next 4 weeks.

It comes with a heavy heart that we need to roll Misty Waters over to the next long weekend available.

Without a crystal ball, it’s hard to predict the future, but the long weekend at the end of September seems like it could be a lekker time to host this amazing line-up.
What will happen if September is still impossible? ….. we will then look at the weekend of 18 March 2022. If that proves to be out of our hands, then it will be back to our usual weekend of 28 April 2022, but we will not give up!!
All accommodation and tickets will simply roll over to the next dates, at no extra costs. What will happen if you cannot make any of the new dates? We at Lake Umuzi, stay committed to refund anyone in full, should they not be able to make it.

Lake Umuzi is very grateful to all the die-hard Festies and Artists who are so understanding. We may not be able to promise when the virus will give us a gap to stage this event, but what we can promise is the most amazing hardcore, 3-day Rock Adventure to be experienced by a selected few. It promises to be one of those classic events that will be remembered, with fondness, for years to come.

Misty Waters 2021

0 thoughts on “Misty Waters 2021 Third Wave Update

  1. Dear Robin, super excited to see you’re going ahead!
    We’re CanofwormsSA, original band from East London. I know it’s VERY late, but we’re available to come to Secunda and play if you can get us a slot. Check us out on @Canofworms, Facebook: Can of Worms SA. YouTube