Blog, Lake Umuzi News

Load Shedding – Stress Shedding

Is load shedding in Secunda getting you down? If it is not the scheduled load shedding leaving residents without power, then it is the planned and unplanned maintenance that has people up in arms.

At Lake Umuzi Waterfront our lights are always on.

Did you plan a morning meeting and now your office is without power and you are worried your client will think that you are unprofessional? No problem. At Eish!! Restaurant there are private booths with charging points, free WIFI and HDMI ports that can connect your laptop to the flat-screen TV, for that interactive PowerPoint presentation that you worked so hard on. Break the ice and order any breakfast and get bottomless coffee to keep you going for the whole day.

Do you want to book a conference, but are not sure what the load shedding schedule will be on the day of the event? Not to worry, at Boesies, your conference will continue seamlessly without any interruptions whether Eskom power is on or off.

Did you promise your colleague that you would take them for a drink after work and now the whole of Govan Mbeki has gone dark? You deserve a break, at Zebra Lounge you can relax, glass in hand and listen to the enchanting sounds of blues, jazz, folk and acoustic.

Worried about dinner? At Lake Umuzi Waterfront you are spoilt for choice with the Dros, Ocean Basket, Bosveld Lapa, Eish!! Restaurant or Boesies.

So next time the lights go out, don’t think Argggg, think… Lake Umuzi!

Download Mpumalanga Load Shedding Schedule