Blog, Lake Umuzi News

25th PwC: Kosmos 3-in-1 Marathon

Is one of your new year’s resolutions to become fit and participate in adventurous events? Secunda Marathon Club is hosting the Kosmos 3-in-1 at Lake Umuzi Waterfront (start and finish). The marathon will commence on 11 March 2017.

There is a lot of time for you to practice and invite friends and family to join you.  Get those jogging shoes on and get started!

Race Options:

  • 73.3km & 42.2km Comrades Qualifier
  • 21.1 km, 10km & 4.5km Fun Run

The 3-in-1 73.3km and 42.2km can only be entered online and the entries close on 1 March 2017.

As with any race, you’ll receive a race t-shirt and goodie bag if you enter before 8 February 2017.  Timing tags are available to measure your performance during the race.  Confirmation emails will be sent out to confirm your entry into the race (when entering the following must be present – entry confirmation, ID and proof of payment of the registration).

No children will be allowed without adult supervision.  Please note that there will be food stalls available if you must fill up those empty stomachs after your race.  Athletes completing 10th, 15th or 20th will receive a gift! 

Accommodation is available if the race exhausted you.  On Sunday, you can enjoy a breakfast or lunch at various restaurants Entertainment for the children are also available.

For more information on the Kosmos 3-in-1, click here to download the rules, registration fees and the prizes to be won.

We hope to see you there 😉

 Lake Umuzi Waterfront for all your Secunda accommodation needs.

One thought on “25th PwC: Kosmos 3-in-1 Marathon

  1. Lisa Osnabrugge says:

    Wow, what an achievement. I run the race every year and its never a failure for me. Thank you so much.



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