Blog, Lake Umuzi News


Do you want to WIN WIN WIN?

You have seen the line up and are so regretting not getting the early bird tickets, but your budget will just not allow you to buy the tickets now. Don’t fret! We have an opportunity for you!

Last chance to win 2 tickets to Misty Waters 2018.


Make a short, 15 second video with a friend similar to our video.

[gdlr_video url=”” ]

What to do?

Your script must contain the following “Misty Water 2018, 27 to 29 April, See you there”.
The rest of the script, scene and music is up to you.
Post it to Facebook or Instagram (we will have a Facebook and Instagram winner)

On Facebook:

  • Tag Misty Water 2018 the event
  • Tag Misty Waters Music Festival page
  • Make sure you post the video as a public post (we can’t see private posted videos)

On Instagram:

  • Tag @lakeumuzi
  • Hashtag #MistyWaters
  • Remember we will not be able to see your post if you have a private account.

Winner announcements:

24 April before close of business.

  • Facebook winners will be announced on Facebook
  • Instagram winners will be announced on Instagram

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