
Check yourself, before you wreck yourself!

Please take the time to read through the rules of Misty Waters Music Festival.

We want to avoid any buzz killing that might occur because of misunderstandings.

  • No open fires, except in designated braai’s and boma’s
  • Adhere to the laws of South Africa
  • No under-aged drinking
  • No trespassers in the VIP area
  • No vandalism will be tolerated
  • NO armband, NO entry
  • No diving in the lake / dam
  • Proper swimming attire when swimming
  • No alcohol in the swimming area
  • No glass outside the camping perimeters
  • Day visitors must leave Misty Waters Festival Grounds by 00:00
  • Trespassers will be asked to leave the premises
  • No vehicles allowed except for Kamp Oase, checked-in campers with valid car disc
  • No cooler boxes for day visitors
  • No weapons
  • No illegal substances

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