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Summer = Radiant Health

Winter is all gone and comfort food is no longer an option…let’s move on to healthier options.  Yes, we know you’re in need of serious new ideas and much more exciting recipes than those boring powdery shakes…ugh!

Come join us for a very refreshing session of The Yoga Kitchen with Marlien Wright:

  • Thursday, 6 October 2016
  • Boesies Restaurant
  • 18:30 – 22:00

100 Easy Superfood Recipes for Radiant Health – The Yoga Kitchen celebrates nourishing wholefoods that enables you to reclaim your inherent power to heal your digestive system and boost immunity, and help you to forge healthy new habits, not restrictions.

Come join us for this fun-filled cookbook launch – book your seats with Meghan at [email protected] as soon as possible.  Only R115 per person including a meal and demo.

Lake Umuzi Waterfront for all your Secunda accommodation needs.